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Chucky TV show to feature new characters, ‘classic’ scares

Producer Nick Antosca (Channel Zero) has revealed the upcoming Chucky TV show will feature new characters and “classic” scares. It was announced last month that Antosca is collaborating on a series for SYFY about the killer doll with Don Mancini (who wrote the original script for 1988’s Child’s Play as well as writing and directing the last three Chucky films), and longtime franchise producer David Kirschner. Antosca also revealed that the show’s working title is Chucky and that the plan is for Brad Dourif to once again voice the doll, as he has done in all the previous films.

“The series is going to be closer to the tone of the first two movies,” Antosca told Slash Film. “It’s going to go back to a sort of classic scare.”

As for the cast of characters beyond Chucky himself, Antosca explained that the show would concentrate on introducing new principals rather than showcasing fan favorites like Alex Vincent’s Andy, Fiona Dourif’s Nica, or the Jennifer Tilly-voiced Tiffany.

“They might pop in eventually, but it’s new characters,” said Antosca, whose next immediate project is Hulu’s true-crime anthology, The Act. “I don’t want to say anything definitive. I want to leave that to Don, but let’s just say that there might be opportunities in the story for Jennifer or Fiona to make an appearance. Of course, the plan is for Brad to be the voice.”

Despite this, Antosca confirmed that the show would regard the films as canonical.

“It’s consistent with that mythology, but it’s a whole new story,” he said. “So you could come into it without knowing anything about the previous stuff and get into it. But it is consistent with all the mythology that has come before, so it is in canon.”

A rather different — though, one assumes, still homicidal — iteration of Chucky will be seen in the remake of the original 1988 film Child’s Play, which is released June 21.

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