In the special holiday season episode of Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker’s titular Time Lord and her companions Ryan (Tosin Cole), Graham (Bradley Walsh) and Yaz (Mandip Gill), must try to overcome a terrifying evil which is stirring from across the centuries of Earth’s history.
“It’s quite dark, and scary, and eerie,” says Gill of the adventure, which is titled “Resolution” and premieres on BBC America, Jan. 1. “It’s an explosive one [but] it’s really fun and it ties up a lot of loose ends. It’s really exciting.”
There are rumors that the special episode will see the return of the Doctor’s arch-foes, the dreaded Daleks. What does Gill have to say about that?
“Well, like you say, they’re just rumors, aren’t they?” deflects the actress. “We’ve managed to get this far keeping everything a secret. Now, how would we let that slip?”
The BBC recently announced that the core Doctor Who cast would all be returning for the next season of the show, which will premiere in 2020
“I’m really ecstatic,” says Gill. “I knew a long time ago. This series, we’re just not telling people what’s going on. I think it’s really working out to hold stuff back. It just means everyone’s much more excited to watch the show. But I’m really excited to go back and just do it all over again, but even bigger.”
Has the actress read any of the scripts for the next season?
“Absolutely not,” she says. “They’re not telling me anything.”
Watch the trailer for the New Year’s Day episode of Doctor Who, above.
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