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Season 2 secrets from the set of Killing Eve

Killing Eve is a world in which there’s a great lack of sureness about anything, and I think that is very like the world today,” Shaw says approvingly. “All the old tribal loyalties of mother and son or countries or class are all broken down…. And having Eve played by a Canadian Asian person absolutely stops the cliché of the English spy thriller being trapped in this class system — it’s not a glass ceiling, it’s a lead ceiling — which has ruled everything ever written. It explodes that system, and it makes everything much freer.”

Returning fans will feel that freedom, and more: “The clothes are still incredible,” Fennell promises. “And Villanelle is still, like, terrifying, and Eve is still incredibly cool and funny, and she’s getting deeper and deeper into her job and higher and higher up the food chain.” But don’t ever, she warns, forget Killing’s cardinal rule: “Trust no one.”

For more on Killing Eve, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly on stands now, or buy it here. Don’t forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

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