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Killing Eve star Jodie Comer nearly died while filming a season 2 scene

As eccentric, expert assassin Villanelle on Killing Eve, Jodie Comer has found herself scaling a building one week, riding a motorcycle the next, and playing mercurially menacing pretty much every day in between. But a rather simple moment involving the consumption of carbs wound up almost taking the actress out of commission for good.

The scene featured Villanelle “eating some pasta in a very grotesque way,” Comer reveals to EW as part of the cover story Q&A with Sandra Oh, who plays the intuitive secret MI6 agent tracking Villanelle. “She’s trying to prove a point about something. She’s playing it up, being her usual childish self, and the pasta was extremely dry. And it was extremely thick. I was shoveling it in, and then it just shot down my throat and then I was full-on choking. They must have it on camera — a medic came in and managed to get it out, but my life definitely flashed before me…. I just remember being opposite the other actor and looking at him, and he thought I was making a weird acting choice. So yeah, it’s ruined pasta for me completely.”

While the incident left her in tears — “I was full-on crying,” she notes — she’s able to laugh about it now. As did her sibling, when she shared her tale of trauma. “[H]e was like, ‘I love this. Of all the things that could have killed Villanelle, it was a mouthful of pasta,’” says Comer, who sums up: “It was my most dangerous Villanelle moment.”

Comer and Oh discussed Eve and Villanelle’s entrancing relationship and concocted the perfect ending to this twisted tale in EW’s cover story, which you can read about here.

Killing Eve returns to BBC America for season 2 on April 7 — the episodes will be simulcast on AMC, too — and you can glean intel on the action to come in these first-look photos.

For more on Killing Eve, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly on stands now, or buy it here. Don’t forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

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