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Game of Thrones stars shame troll who says Lena Headey needs makeup

Game of Thrones stars Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, and Gwendoline Christie teamed up on Instagram to call out a troll who took a swipe at a makeup-free photo.

The skirmish started when Headey, who plays Cersei Lannister on the HBO hit, posted a fresh-faced video. One commenter replied, “Don’t record yourself without makeup again please.” (Which is just … really?)

Headey posted the troll’s comment with a reply: “I shall continue to not wear make up. Go f— your self.”

GoT costars Emilia Clarke (who plays Daenerys Targaryen) commented “PREACH BEAUTIFUL WOMAN” and Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth) posted a bunch of pink hearts.

Headey’s transformation into her Thrones character is rather dramatic as it takes the actress from being a short-haired brunette to a blonde (with long hair in the earlier seasons, and short hair in the latter ones), and then gets her numerous awesome tattoos covered up (and, yes, Headey gets facial makeup too — just like every actor, male and female, on the show).

Here is Headey’s original video and the replies:

Game of Thrones returns for its eighth and final season on April 14.

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