That fake Game of Thrones poster that Team Trump mocked up has resurfaced.
Reporters tweeted photos of a White House cabinet meeting Wednesday that included the vainglorious “Sanctions Are Coming” poster on the table. The poster a stern Trump emblazoned with the GoT font and a spin on the show’s famous tagline:
And here’s another shot from a different angle:
The poster was originally a graphic tweeted by Trump in November to announce sanctions against Iran.
At the time, HBO promptly scolded the president for using an obvious knock-off of its marketing materials for the fantasy hit without permission: “We were not aware of this messaging and would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes.”
This new photo means that somebody in the White House took the image and actually went through the trouble of having it printed into a physical poster, where it enjoyed prestigious placement during official business on Wednesday.
Back in November, star Maisie Williams weighed in on Twitter with a reply to the poster: “Not today,” invoking Arya Stark’s famous lesson from swordmaster Syrio Forel on what we say to death.
Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, simply wrote: “Ew.”
The National Iranian-American Council, an organization that seeks to promote better U.S.-Iran relations, had a GoT-referencing response as well: “Donald Trump is a literal White Walker, fear-mongering, war-mongering, and championing division at every opportunity for political gain.”
Previously, A Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin said Trump reminds him of the tale’s immature and sadistic teen villain Joffrey Baratheon.
“I think Joffrey is now the king in America,” Martin said last year. “And he’s grown up just as petulant and irrational as he was when he was 13 in the books.”
EW was on the GoT set on Election Day in 2016, and one of the show’s writers at the time objected to the popular Joffrey comparison. “People keep writing that his election is ‘just like Game of Thrones.’ F— you. Even Joffrey spoke in articulate sentences. I prefer Westeros, where politics makes sense.”
Game of Thrones returns in April.
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