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Sam Elliott says making A Star Is Born was ‘a once in a lifetime’ experience

Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born is about to enter into the Oscar race as a major frontrunner.

The film will likely garner nominations for Best Picture, Director (Cooper), Actor (Cooper) and Actress (Lady Gaga). The film also has a strong chance of nabbing a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Sam Elliott, who plays Bobby Maine, the brother of Cooper’s character Jackson Maine.

During an interview with EW, Elliott admits it was an incredibly special experience. “Acting is acting but the thing that up’s it is when you’re working with these kinds of people, doing this kind of material,” says the actor. “This was as good as it gets. I mean what are the odds that I’m going to have an encounter with Lady Gaga at 74 years-old. It’s a once in a lifetime thing and, in that sense, it’s transformative.”

The relationship between Bobby and Jackson is both loving and volatile. Elliott says his first day shooting on Born was the intense fight scene that occurs between the pair on tour in Arizona. Remembers the actor, “Didn’t know anybody. Never worked with Bradley. Gaga is standing there — never seen her before other than at the table read. That was the most difficult moment: just trying to get in there and keep focused on it all.”

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