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Outlander: See Young Ian confront the Mohawk in newest photos

Someone is about to find out if he’s a man of worth.

In the season 4 finale of Outlander — aptly titled “Man of Worth” — Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian finally arrive at the Mohawk village to rescue Roger. But something from Claire’s past (remember when she was left alone in the rain?) puts a damper on their valiant effort.

Back at River Run, Brianna prepares for the birth of her child while worrying that her family won’t return to help with the bairn. But first, a visitor! What brings you to Aunt Jocasta’s crib, Murtagh?

They’re close.

Look who’s suddenly the brave one!

Well he certainly looks friendly. But looks can deceive!

Claire may not be able to talk them out of this one.

Yup, you’re about to burst, girl.

Why does Jocasta look so happy?

Well hello, Murtagh! You seem ready to spread lots of love around River Run.

Don’t fret about droughtlander just yet! On Monday, make sure to tune into the final episode of Outlander Live! We’ll have the second part of our discussion with Executive Producer Toni Graphia and John Bell talks about wrestling with those Mohawk. Outlander Live! airs at 1 p.m. ET on EW Radio, Sirius XM 105.

The season 4 finale of Outlander (tear!) airs at 8 p.m. ET Sunday on Starz.

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