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Kevin Hart ‘evaluating’ his decision to step down as Oscars host as Ellen DeGeneres voices support

Kevin Hart may be having a change of heart after announcing he was stepping down from hosting the 2019 Academy Awards in the wake of controversy over homophobic and transphobic comments he made in old tweets.

This new development comes after Hart taped an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which will air Friday.

“I really want you to host the Oscars,” DeGeneres, a former Oscars host herself, says in a preview clip from her show. The talk show host goes on to reveal she personally called the Academy to let them know she would support reinstating Hart as the host.

RELATED VIDEO: Kevin Hart Steps Down as Oscars Host After Outcry Over Homophobic Tweets

“They were like, ‘Oh my God. We want him to host. We feel like maybe he misunderstood or it was handled wrong or maybe we said the wrong thing but we want him to host,’” DeGeneres tells Hart and the audience of her conversation. Later she comes back from commercial break introducing her guest as “this year’s Oscars host, Kevin Hart.”

“I think you have said a lot of amazing things. You’ve put a lot of things on my mind,” Hart tells DeGeneres during his hour-long interview. “I’m promising you I’m evaluating this conversation…Let me assess, just to sit in the space and really think. And you and I will talk before anything else.”

Thursday night, Hart took to Instagram to tell his fans to tune into the interview.

“This was by far the most raw/honest & authentic interview that I have ever done,” he wrote.

DeGeneres also tweeted video of the interview Thursday night.

“I believe in forgiveness. I believe in second chances. And I believe in @KevinHart4real,” DeGeneres captioned the video. Moments later she added, “In this conversation, @KevinHart4real was authentic and real, and I’m in his corner. #OscarsNeedHart.”

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