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Lin-Manuel Miranda missed out performing Hamilton for Beyoncé and Jay-Z

The one day Lin-Manuel Miranda missed a performance of Hamilton because of a fever and this happened.

Of all the days for Beyoncé Knowles and Jay-Z to come to a performance of the Broadway hit, Miranda, the show’s creator and lead star at the time, goes and gets himself sick, missing his chance entirely to meet music’s royal couple.

“You were scared of getting sick and calling out,” Miranda told Graham Norton on The Graham Norton Show this week. “I got sick once in the year I performed and I missed Beyoncé and Jay-Z.” That brought audible gasps from the audience and his Mary Poppins Returns costar Emily Blunt, who appeared on the show with him, Emily Mortimer, and Ben Whishaw.

Knowles and Jay-Z came to see Hamilton in New York in 2015 when Javier Munoz, Miranda’s alternate at the time, stood in for the lead role. We’re sure all the photos taken of the power couple with the cast didn’t make Miranda feel any better about the situation.

“I was pulling the I.V. out of my arm, I had a fever of 104, and my wife was like, ‘Stay in bed.’ I was like, ‘I can do it, I can do it,’” he continued. “You just couldn’t miss because it was like the internet came to the show every night.”

Miranda is now returning to the role of Alexander Hamilton for a limited run in Puerto Rico, where he hopes the production will raise money for arts organizations still recovering from the damage caused by Hurricane Maria.

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